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FPG Fortune Prime Global·Employee

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With great rebates and commissions up for grabs 💰 Discover more about Fortune Prime Global now! Contact me for more!
VT Markets·Employee

【Forex Triple Strategy】 EA Signal Source

The EA strategy utilizes 15 types of currency commodities. The entry and exit mechanism employs a self-created moving average support and resistance logic. This strategy requires some space to wait for the market to reverse. It primarily uses small lot sizes and low-frequency operations to control risk. Since the entries are made at key support and resistance levels, combined with the characteristic that forex cannot rise or fall indefinitely, the profit potential is quite stable and good! Drawdown: Approximately 13% Varieties: 15 types of currency pairs against commodities Risk Control: 0.02 lots per 1000 principal (equivalent to 2x leverage), low and controllable risk. Positions are usually closed at a profit or break-even. If more than two orders are entered for the same commodity, profits and losses will be calculated together.
TG: @uuifff5978

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Exclusive customized MT5 platform and license application, professionally arranged for you! Discounts are being offered Professionally built, stable goals, superior technology, reasonable prices, and all the services of a time-honored brand are in place

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Ouchuang is a professional platform building company. After decades of development, we have an absolute leading position in the field of financial technology services. This is thanks to our large team of experts in the financial and Internet fields. The continuous and repeated calculation and upgrading of products and services and the application of advanced technologies have won us the trust of more than 500 customers around the world. Ouchuang's services are obvious to all, well-known and well-received. In addition to providing a safe, stable and fast trading system. At the same time, we also have more than 40 sets of product supporting service solutions, truly providing "one-stop" services.
Alpha Trade

Alpha Trade: Professional leader of liquidity service, creator of a safe trading environment

A safe and regular liquidity supplier is critical to foreign exchange traders. Especially in the trading of funds, foreign exchange liquidity suppliers that can provide security guarantees are more popular with investors. As a professional liquid service provider, Alpha Trade can provide customers with a safe and stable trading environment, and has a good reputation in the customer group. Alpha Trade can ensure the security of funds, and strict supervision is a major reason. The existence of supervision can ensure the compliance and transparency of the foreign exchange market, and then protect the rights and interests of investors. Alpha Trade follows strict and formal international financial regulatory standards and has successfully obtained the Australian ASIC license (hereinafter referred to as ALPHA Trade (Australia)). As Australia's financial regulatory agency, ASIC has won widespread recognition of global investors with its strict regulatory standards and efficient execution. In operating under ASIC's regulation, Alpha Trade (Australia) can provide customers with a truly safe and reliable, compliant and transparent trading environment for customers' funds. Secondly, a series of security trading tools and functions are also the fund security guarantee brought by Alpha Trade to customers. Choose Alpha Trade's fund manager, and can use a dedicated PAM/MAM system. The system can help fund managers efficiently manage customer accounts through flexible transaction distribution, real -time information inspection, customer volume detection, and transaction volume and order frequency analysis. Decisions and risk management, transactions are more secure. In addition, Alpha Trade and HSBC HSBC Bank, Credit Suisse Swiss, Barclays Barclays Bank, UBS UBS Group, Citibank Citi Bank and other banking institutions cooperate to ensure their sufficient liquidity. At the same time, through ECN, POP, non -bank liquidity, and special liquidity pools, Alpha Trade can provide Alpha Trade Liquidity better than all POP providers in today's market to escort customers' security transactions. As the amount of funds continues to increase, the customer's security requirements for the platform will be stricter. And Alpha Trade's liquidity supplier will adhere to the bottom line of security, and is committed to providing the most competitive liquidity services for various types of assets. Create a truly safe trading environment to ensure the smooth progress of the transaction.

♥♀Global regions, payment channels, deposit and withdrawal channels, payment interfac#@

Global regions, payment channels, deposit and withdrawal channels, payment interfaces

¥Payment channels and docking are established to support various countries and regions.¥

Product details:Payment channels, platform deposit and withdrawal channels, support multiple regions around the world Main body requirements:Not required #Payment#

✔Various financial platform software construction, including foreign exchange mt4/mt5, stock exchan*

Foreign exchange main label white label, exchange platform construction/dedicated deposit channel docking, license application, and those who can achieve stable long-term cooperation can be appropriately relaxed, click to view the link and join me to discuss in detail #System# Various financial platform software construction, including foreign exchange mt4/mt5, stock exchange

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Parkway Australia (BCR) warmly extends an invitation to talented individuals to join us in forging a prosperous future together! With 17 years of dedicated effort, we have established ourselves as a prominent player in the local Australian financial services sector. Regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Parkway Australia (BCR) is committed to delivering secure, reliable, and convenient financial transaction services to a global clientele. Key advantages and notable achievements set us apart: Financial Strength: BCR boasts robust financial technology capabilities and a comprehensive risk control system, ensuring a secure and stable trading environment for customers. Diverse Product Range: Offering a spectrum of trading products, including foreign exchange, precious metals, stocks, and futures, BCR caters to the diverse investment needs of our clientele. Attractive Policies: BCR presents advantageous policies such as low spreads and high rebates, enabling customers to minimize transaction costs and maximize returns. Top-notch Service: Supported by a seasoned professional team, BCR provides 24/7 customer service, committed to addressing customer inquiries promptly. In our pursuit of excellence, BCR is actively seeking agents and sales teams to collaborate in exploring the global market and partake in the wealth creation journey. What we offer you: Competitive Compensation: We provide a remuneration package that stands out in the industry. Comprehensive Training: Benefit from a well-rounded training system and access to development opportunities. Expansive Career Growth: Enjoy a broad career development space with ample possibilities for advancement. By joining BCR, you will: Collaborate with Industry Experts: Work alongside industry elites and share in their successful experiences. Showcase Your Talents: Display your skills on an international platform and realize your true potential. Unlock Unlimited Possibilities: Join us in creating a life of abundance and wealth. Become a part of BCR, where we believe in realizing potential, fostering growth, and collectively achieving greatness in the world of financial services.
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