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Malaysia’s Former PM’s Social Media Hacked to Promote Crypto Scam

Malaysia’s Former PM’s Social Media Hacked to Promote Crypto Scam

A recent cryptocurrency scam has highlighted a growing and concerning trend—hackers hijacking the social media accounts of political figures to promote fraudulent digital assets. The latest incident involved Malaysia’s former Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad, whose X (formerly Twitter) account was compromised to market a fake meme coin called "Malaysia."

News 5h
Fake Trading App Scam in India

Fake Trading App Scam in India

Scam cases are on the rise, with fraudsters constantly coming up with new ways to deceive people. In India, scammers are using fake trading apps to trick investors and cause major financial losses. In this article, we’ll explain how this scam works.

News 6h
Lirunex Joins Financial Commission, Boosts Trader Protection

Lirunex Joins Financial Commission, Boosts Trader Protection

Lirunex joins the Financial Commission, offering traders €20,000 protection per claim. A multi-asset broker regulated by CySEC, LFSA, and MED.

News 7h
Heartbreak and Empty Wallets: Romance Scams during Valentine’s

Heartbreak and Empty Wallets: Romance Scams during Valentine’s

Valentine’s Day is supposed to be about love, but for many unsuspecting victims, it becomes a time of heartbreak and financial ruin. Romance scams have been on the rise, and the online trading world has become a prime hunting ground for fraudsters preying on emotions and emptying bank accounts.

News 7h
Why Your Forex Trades Are Always Losing

Why Your Forex Trades Are Always Losing

There is no guaranteed way to win in forex trading, but why do so many people still fail?

News 7h
Nomura Holdings Ex-Employee Arrested in Fraud Scandal

Nomura Holdings Ex-Employee Arrested in Fraud Scandal

Former Nomura Holdings employee arrested for fraud, accused of stealing 10 million yen. Latest in a series of scandals for the Japanese financial giant.

News 8h
Italy’s Securities Regulator Consob Orders Shutdown of 6 Illegal Financial Service Websitese

Italy’s Securities Regulator Consob Orders Shutdown of 6 Illegal Financial Service Websitese

Italy’s financial regulator, Consob, has ordered the shutdown of six unauthorized financial service websites to combat illegal financial activities and protect investors. This action is based on regulatory powers granted under the 2019 “Crescita Decree.” Since 2019, Consob has blocked 1,211 fraudulent websites. Investors can use WikiFX to verify compliance and avoid investment scams.

News 8h
BaFin Unveils Report: The 6 Biggest Risks You Need to Know

BaFin Unveils Report: The 6 Biggest Risks You Need to Know

BaFin’s latest annual risk report highlights multiple challenges for the financial sector in 2025. While the financial system remained stable in 2024, global economic fluctuations, geopolitical tensions, digitalization, and sustainability concerns demand stronger risk management. The report examines six core risks facing Germany’s financial system and three major trends shaping the industry’s future.

News 8h
Beware of Comments from the Fed's Number Two Official

Beware of Comments from the Fed's Number Two Official

Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Philip Jefferson's recent remarks have attracted widespread attention in the market.

News 8h
WikiFX Review: Is Fortune Prime Global Reliable?

WikiFX Review: Is Fortune Prime Global Reliable?

Founded in 2011, Fortune Prime Global (FPG) is an Australia-registered broker that offers a wide range of investment products (Forex pairs, Commodities, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Indices, and so on). Today’s article will show you what it looks like in 2025.

News 9h
IMF Warns Japan of Spillover Risks from Global Market Volatility

IMF Warns Japan of Spillover Risks from Global Market Volatility

IMF alerts Japan to rising foreign market volatility, BOJ rate hikes, and liquidity risks. Learn how these factors could impact Japan's economy.

News 9h
Win $100,000 in XM Competitions: Trade for Cash Prizes!

Win $100,000 in XM Competitions: Trade for Cash Prizes!

Join XM Competitions from 20-27 Feb for a chance to win $100,000! Compete by skill or luck. No entry fees. Trade on a secure, award-winning platform.

News 9h
Vantage collaborates with "Scuderia Ferrari HP F1 team"

Vantage collaborates with "Scuderia Ferrari HP F1 team"

According to the broker, As Official Partner, Vantage will be featured within Ferrari’s Formula 1 ecosystem and across Ferrari platforms, as part of a bond that embodies shared values of pursuing excellence and innovation.

News 10h
SC Malaysia Warns Against 14 Unlicensed Firms

SC Malaysia Warns Against 14 Unlicensed Firms

SC Malaysia named the 14 unlicensed firms. The authority does not authorize the firms on the list. Checkout the list below and be aware.

Exposure 12h
Valentine's Day Bonuses: Embrace Love and Wealth Together

Valentine's Day Bonuses: Embrace Love and Wealth Together

New User Exclusive Benefits! Download & Register,Share a $10,000 prize pool!

News 14h

RBI: India\s central bank slashes rates after five years

The latest cut happens when Indias GDP growth is seen slowing to a four-year-low of 6.7%.

Industry 18h

Judge halts Trump\s government worker buyout plan: US media

The resignation package offered by the White House is part of its plan to cut down on the number of federal employees.

Industry Two days ago
Trans X Markets: Licensed Broker or a Scam?

Trans X Markets: Licensed Broker or a Scam?

Trans X Markets offers a wide range of trading instruments, including Forex, Commodity, Stocks, Indices and Crypto

News Two days ago
StarTrader obtains SCA License in UAE

StarTrader obtains SCA License in UAE

The well-known broker, STAR TRADER has obtained (Securities and Commodities Authority) the SCA license in the United Arab Emirates. The SCA license 20200000241 represents a key milestone for STARTRADER. With this new addition, the company now holds a total of six licenses.

News Two days ago
Why Do Malaysians Keep Falling for Money Games?

Why Do Malaysians Keep Falling for Money Games?

Malaysia has seen a persistent rise in money game schemes, luring thousands of unsuspecting investors with promises of high returns and minimal risk. These schemes operate under various disguises, from investment clubs to digital asset platforms, yet they all follow the same fundamental principle—new investors fund the profits of earlier participants. Once the cycle collapses, the majority are left with devastating losses. Despite repeated warnings and high-profile cases, many Malaysians continue to fall victim. What drives this phenomenon?

News Two days ago
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